コーヒーを淹れるのが毎回楽しくなりそうです。 円錐型の円錐型のコーヒードリッパーは、台形型よりも底の穴が大きくお湯の流れがスムーズなのが特徴。抽出の時間が短くなるので雑味のないすっきりした味わいになると言われています。
またこちらのドリッパーは口径も大きめなので、ドリップする範囲が広いため、初心者の方でもお湯が注ぎやすいのが特徴です。 慣れてきたらぜひ自分好みの淹れ方を研究してみてくださいね。
A cool and unique way to brew your coffee! Imagine the morning boost you'll feel with every sip. The special design of our brewer, featuring 18-year-old (with a killer sense of humor!), Keirokun, is what drives our love for coffee. With its sturdy construction and sleek vibe, brewing coffee has never been this fun and stylish before! This conical coffee dripper sports a larger bottom hole compared to the trapezoidal kind, ensuring a smooth pour. The result? A clean and crisp flavor as the brew time is significantly reduced. Also, take note that the drip area is more spacious so even beginners can easily get a hang of it. Keep coming back for more and discover your own perfect brew.